"Voice of the Turtle"Does It Again!                       

Matilda Koé n-Sarano - 25.2.2001    CV of Matilda

After having released numerous CD's and cassettes of romansas and Djudeo-Spanish songs, this special musical group has now given us a gift with its new CD

"The Sword of the Dove", which presents a "Fantazí a de Purim".

On this disk which focuses on the holiday of Purim, we have a collection of "piyutim" and "koplas" in Ladino and in Hebrew, that derive from a wide vista of Sefardi communities -- Yerushalá yim and Hevron, Sarayevo and Monastir, Estanbol and Izmir, Salonik, Sofia and Bukarest, Fez, Tanjer and Gibraltar, and even Djerba is represented here.

The story of the Purim, which is told in the "Megilat Ester" is told through the text of "Empesar kero a kontar" - which appears in three different musical versions: from Sarayevo, Bukarest, and from Monastir. And we find the copla "Ven akí Zeresh la loka" in a rare version from Hevró n, as well as the classic "Kuando Hamá n s’emborrachó " in a version from Yerushalá yim.

The vocal and instrumental interpretation of the four members of the group, Judith Wachs (also Artistic Director), Derek Burrows, Lisle Kulbach and Jay Rosenberg, is as always, excellent, and remains faithful to the original sources. And if you don't remember the words, or don't know them, they can be found in the "libretto" of the CD which contains the translations in English as well.

This is a CD that should not be missing from a Jewish home.

Purim Alegre!

Happy Purim.

In Judeo-Spanish

"The Sword of the Dove"

Matilda Koé n-Sarano - 25.2.2001

"Voice of the Turtle" lo izo de muevo!

Despué s de aver publikado numerozos diskos i kasetas de romansas i kantes djudeo-espanyoles, este grupo muzikal spesial, mos está regalando agora kon su muevo C. D. "The Sword of the Dove", ke prezenta una "Fantazí a de Purim".

En el disko topamos una rekolta de "piyutim" i "koplas" en ladino i en ebreo, atados a la fiesta de Purim, ke provienen de un ancho arko de komunitá s sefaradí s. Yerushalá yim i Hevron, Sarayevo i Monastir, Estanbol i Izmir, Salonik, Sofia i Bukarest, Fez, Tanjer i Gibraltar, i mizmo Djerba está n akí reprezentados.

Komo de fakto, entre los otros, el kuento de la "Megilat Ester" - "Empesar kero a kontar" - aparese aki en 3 versiones diferentes: de Sarayevo, de Bukarest i de Monastir. Ademas topamos las koplas de "Ven akí Zeresh la loka" en una versió n rara de Hevró n, i el klá siko "Kuando Hamá n s’emborrachó " en la versió n de Yerushalá yim.

La enterpretasió n de los kuatro miembros del grupo - Judith Wachs (direktora artí stika tambié n), Derek Burrow, Lisle Kulbach i Jay Rosenberg - sea del punto de vista vokal, ke del punto de vista instrumental es, komo siempre, ekselente, i keda fiyel a las fuentes orijinales.

I para ken no se akodra mas, o no save, las palavras de los kantes, las podrá topar en el "libretto" del C. D., ke las reporta kon al lado sus traduksió n al inglé s.

Este es un disko ke no puede mankar en kada kaza djudí a.

Purim Alegre!

Matilda Koé n-Sarano - 25.2.2001